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Creamy Mashed Cauliflower by


1 head of cau­li­flower (flo­rets only — no stems)
1 small, 6 oz con­tainer of greek yogurt
2 tbsp but­ter
3 tbsp grated parmi­giano reg­giano
2 cloves of gar­lic chopped
1/​2 small shal­lot chopped
1 chopped scal­lion for gar­nish
Salt, pep­per and sea­son­ings to taste (I like to use gar­lic pep­per and Adobo)


In a medium pot, bring water to boil (I like to add some gar­lic pep­per and Adobo to the water). Add cau­li­flower flo­rets to the boil­ing water and let cook for about 8 min­utes or until soft. Remove and drain. In a food proces­sor, com­bine the cau­li­flower with the greek yogurt, but­ter, gar­lic and shal­lots and blend until a creamy con­sis­tency. Add salt and pep­per or Adobo or sea­son­ings of your choice and blend once more. Trans­fer to a bowl and while hot, mix in the parmi­giano reg­giano and top with scal­lions for garnish.

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