Baked Potato Salad by Katy Hall

I came up with this recipe with thoughts of the baked potatoes from The Green Onion restaurant here in Tulsa. I think they deep fried a whole potato, cut it open and fluffed the middle and added just a bit of beef buillon to it! They were fabulous!


1 or 2 Potatoes per person 1 C sour cream 2 beef buillon cubes 4 green onions 1/2C grated cheese 2 TBSP kosher salt


Clean and dice potatoes onto bite size chunks, and rinse well to remove starch. Add salt to enough water to cover potatoes and bring to boil. Cook to your desired tenderness. Crush buillon cubes and add to sour cream. Chop green onions and add to sour cream. If you have bacon bits, add to sour cream. Stir frequently while the potatoes are boiling, the dressing will taste salty, but meets the potatoe very well. Rinse with cold water and cool the potatoes approx 15 minutes in fridge before adding cheese and dressing to potatoes. Toss to coat and store in fridge Til ready to serve.