Garlic Scape Aioli by Allen Neighborhood Center


All of your Veggie Box garlic scapes (7 or 8) 1/4 tsp sea salt 2 egg yolk 1 lemon, juiced (about 2 Tbsp) 2/3 C olive oil 2/3 C vegetable oil


The aioli is best prepared a few hours in advance and left to sit in the fridge, covered, so the flavors can develop. Wash and roughly chop the garlic scapes. In a food processor finely mince the garlic scapes with the salt. Add the egg yolk and lemon juice to the food processor and pulse until fully incorporated. Next, with the food processor running, very, very slowly pour in both of the oils. It’s important to add them slowly so that it emulsifies with the egg. Continue to process until the oil is fully incorporated and the aioli is creamy like mayo. Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator for up to one week. This aioli is perfect as a dipping sauce for steamed or roasted potatoes, but it’s really versatile so get creative with it!