Chicken Livers by KittyCat

This recipe will feed four greedy family members, but if there are any left-overs; you can make chicken liver pate. Recipe follows: Put livers through a meat grinder; then blend with softened butter, Tbs. of mayo, some lemon juice, 1 Tbs of finely chopped onion, dashes of Tabassco sauce, salt and dry mustard. Spread on Crostinis Another appetizer idea is to take some sauted livers and wrap bacon strip, fastening with a tooth pick and broiling on low in the oven till bacon crisps.


3 packages of chicken livers bag of flour soy sauce Worcestershire sauce dry sherry chicken broth canola oil


Shake first package of livers in flour filled bag,

Place in large pre-heated heavy bottomed stainless steel skillet, covered with enough canola oil.

Add second bagful, till the pan is full; then use a second pan to finish the rest. Season them with splashes of soy sauce and a few dashes of Worcestershire.

Start on high heat to get them browning with a crust; they will spit fat at you, so you may wish to cover with a wire mesh splatter guard.

Lower heat and add a little dry sherry and some chicken broth to simmer with a lid on. Be patient -- you will know when they are ready to plate.