Hot Crash Potatoes by BB


12 ( or more if needed) new ( red ) potatoes 3 tablespoons of olive oil kosher salt Pepper ( if desired) fresh rosemary Big cooking pot


1. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil.
2. Add potatoes
3. generously drizzle olive oil on a baking sheet ( cookie sheet)
4. when potatoes are tender, place on the baking sheet
5. Make sure there is plenty of room to spread potatoes out ( like when you make cookies)
6. with a potato masher ( or a glass bottom) press down on potatoes until slightly mashed
7. rotate masher 90 degrees and finish flattening it- it should resemble a cookie
8. generously top each potato with olive oil
9. sprinkle kosher salt on each potato ( don't skimp)
10. sprinkle pepper ( or not ) on each potato top
11. chop rosemary finely and sprinkle on top of each potato
12. Bake at 450 for 20-25 minutes- until potatoes are golden, crispy and sizzling
13. Scoop up with a spatula and place on a serving platter or individual plate