Sweet Potato Protein Muffins by AmyLynn214


1/2 scoop - 1 scoop Vanilla SCIFIT PROTA-LYN 3 Egg Whites Stevia to taste 
 1/4 Cup Pumpkin Pumpkin Pie Seasoning to taste 
 1/4 cup Oats - pulse them in a blender first to make oat flour 3-4 oz Yam **with skin!! (Pre-baked or microwave to super soft texture) 
 1 tsp Vanilla 
 Cinnamon to Taste 1/2 tsp Baking Powder


Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Blend all the ingredients together until batter forms. Spend a little extra attention on making sure the skins of the yam are broken up a bit. 
Spoon into a pre--lined cupcake pan. Bake @ 350 for 18 - 22 minutes.

Makes One Serving, or about 4 muffins


Per Muffin: Cals: 83, Fat: .5 grams, Carbs: 10.65 g, Protein: 8.3 grams

For the entire recipe: Cals: 332, Fat: 1.9, Carbs: 42.6, Protein: 33.4